Why CAD your project?
I have really good experience with using modeling tools to try out different design ideas before you build them. This saves you time and money in the end if you can find problems before your start testbuilding an idea. Personally I like working with Blender since it is a free open source 3D modeling application that also can create really good looking renders
CAD history
June 2020
Aug 2020
Sep 2020
Oct 2020
Jan 2021
Feb 2022
First CAD prototype where the chassis was just a flat plate and I was planning to use bigger and wider wheels that I later found to be to heavy for the DC motors selected
I was struggeling with how to design the robot body and in this version where I had changed to thinner and lighter wheels I was looking at the possibility to buy plastic RC bodies to make the robot look fun. But I could not make it look good with the two big front wheels
First test to design my own body for the robot. I had to make sure that all the parts and components would fit inside the body.
In this version I had set the main design of the body and started to work on how the ultra sound sensors would be mounted to get obstacle bounce detection through the body.
To be able to 3D print the body on my Ender 3 3D printer without any printer support I had to split up the body in smaller parts
Adding more details and electronic components to the CAD to get a better component placement in the front electronics box