Arduino Based Robot Lawnmower
DIY project
This is a design description of my Arduino based robot lawnmower that I been working on for about two years. Please submit any questions you might have about this project in the bottom of this page
Project overview
This project overview includes all the different parts of the project from Source code and CAD to Part list and function tuning and testing
Time line with all the steps for building the robot and perimeter station
This is a complete part list for this project so that you can build your own robot
Here you will find the complete source code for this robot project
Want to know more about how to design electronics here is the place
If you would like to know how I created the 3D model of the robot
To get a robot that works well you need to setup function test and tuning
This is the place for finding tips for how you can make your own parts and componenents for a robot
"DIY projects are never completely done. There is always something you want to improve and that´s what makes it fun!"
I would love to get your input on this project and please write any questions you have here and submit